7 Cool Things That You Should Own If You Are A Student

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Re: 7 Cool Things That You Should Own If You Are A Student

Postby shahrukh » Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:18 pm

5. Portable Speakers


Find a student who doesnt like to listen to some music between lectures or while taking a break. Youll find none. But carrying a set of speakers every day to enjoy music with friends is not possible. That's why you should get yourself a set of wireless speakers, go the portable way.

6. Wireless Display Adapter


A student's life is mostly about working in groups on projects. Gone are the days when we used to get caught in tangled wires and delay our presentations, that used to irritate the whole class and the professor. In the era of internet, opt for the wireless display adapter that allows you to display a wonderful presentation from laptops to HD TVs and monitors.

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