16 Places To See In The Beautiful Scottish Highlands

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Re: 16 Places To See In The Beautiful Scottish Highlands

Postby shahrukh » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:56 pm

13. The Saddle and Forcan Ridge, Glen Shiel


This quite sumptuously green mountain is considered to be the hardest, or among the most challenging, munros in the whole of bonnie Scotland. Anyone who attempts and succeeds to traverse this rock masterpiece deserves appreciation and applause.

14. The Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye


Just take a greedy look at these wonderfully clean, blue-green waters – idly but aptly named the Fairy Pools. Flowing down from the Black Cuillin mountains, these waters are as Icy cold as anything else you will experience in Scotland. So if you fancy dipping your toes in here you might want to prepare yourself something warm for afterwards – like a nice Scotch!

15. Goat Fell, Isle of Arran


Its Gaelic name is Gaoda Bheinn, which many have claimed can be translated as ‘Mountain of the Wind’. Its brick-like formations suggest that the winds and rains of Scotland have indeed been tearing through the mountain with a persistent but ancient force. These natural forces combine to produce one of the sights of Scotland.

16. Buachaille Etive Mor


This wonderfully angled peak gives the impression that pyramids were naturally constructed by Scottish weather and geological conditions before Egypt even existed. The images that one can witness here on a starry night, do more than take one’s breath away – they transport you as if into another world entirely.

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