13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

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Re: 13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

Postby vinay » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:03 pm

6. That bhai loving gai!


Being bracelet!

7. That guy who finds a cap the sexiest thing in a man.


This man generally wears only one kind of cap, and more often than not, it's the same one. Throughout the year. By the end of 3 months it starts smelling like something really disgusting died. By month six, it loses its colour. By a year nobody wants to be around it, and I'm not even talking about the cap. That guy might be doing it to cover a bald patch. But while the boiled, err, I mean bald, head might actually be hot for some, those caps work for none. Seriously don't be that guy. That guy just looks like a delivery boy of a start-up that never received any funding.

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