8 Brave Indian Kings And Queens Who Died For Their Kingdoms And Refused To Surrender

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Re: 8 Brave Indian Kings And Queens Who Died For Their Kingdoms And Refused To Surrender

Postby shahrukh » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:52 pm

7. Rani Padmavati


Rani Padmavati was the main reason Allaudin Khilji decided to take over Chittor. After hearing about the queen’s beauty, Allaudin Khilji decided to march on Chittor to capture her from her husband Rana Ratansen. Rani Padmavati refused to surrender. Therefore, she ignited a pyre and performed Jauhar, where she asked the women of Chittor to jump in too. Khilji had to return disappointed as the women of Chittor committed suicide instead of facing dishonour at his hands.

8. Yashwantrao Holkar


Known as the Napolean Of India, the British Empire was very cautious of every move the Indore king made, as he was considered the biggest threat to the empire. He was the one who initiated the process of unifying Indian kings against the British and prevented them from signing cunning treaties where the British took over their entire kingdoms in the name of peace. His patriotism towards his country made the Britishers go green with envy. Once, in a letter to General Gerard Lake, he wrote the following lines that showed his love for his country - “My country and property are upon the saddle of my horse, and please God, to whatever side the reins of the horses of my brave warriors shall be turned, the whole of the country in that direction shall come into my possession. As you are wise and provident, you will consider the consequences of this affair, and employ yourself in settling the important matters which will be explained by my agents.”

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