Top 41 Toughest Female Soldiers In The World

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Re: Top 41 Toughest Female Soldiers In The World

Postby vinay » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:54 pm

35. Greece


Able-bodied men in Greece who are above 19 years of age are required to serve in the Hellenic Armed Forces for nine months. Women are however not so obliged to enroll but are welcome to volunteer. They are not allowed to be a part of the combat so they take part in other practical roles and stay behind the scene. After taking proper training they can even rise up to officer ranks.



The Romanian army welcomes women wholeheartedly into their army and they have bravely fought in wars against Iraq and Afghanistan. Romania has a force other armies reckon with. Having just 90,000 people, Romania makes up for its strength as 20% of their army is civilians who are proud of the country and also their military trained partners.

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