13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

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Re: 13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

Postby vinay » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:03 pm

8. That guy who loves his brooch.


What are you, Prem? The only day you can wear it is on Independence Day, and even then it's not morally ethical to other people.

9. That guy flaunting the DNKY 'leather' belt with panache. Or trying to.


Everybody knows about 'that belt'. There are many kinds, but the easiest way to spot 'that belt' is by asking yourself three simple questions - Does that belt look so bad that you want to whiplash the man wearing it to death? Is that belt too ugly to be even used as a whip? Do you deserve to be banished by all of humanity if you're ever associated with that belt?

Now that we know how to identify 'that belt', don't be that guy wearing that belt.

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