The 13 Hottest Professional Female Skiers Will Make Your Day

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Re: The 13 Hottest Professional Female Skiers Will Make Your Day

Postby jeevan » Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:58 pm

Anna Fenninger


Austrian professional skier who is a snow bunny personified.

We’re now down the wire, and our snow bunnies are starting to turn the snow to steam. Up next is Austrian Anna Fenninger who made her debut in this sport back in 2006.

She grabbed everyone’s attention in 2011 after winning the super combined despite not winning any World Cup race in the past; an excellent performance indeed. While little is known about her, Crave Online shares that she in one of the pure snow bunnies in that she has the body and the skills to back it up.

The proof is her being the overall champion of the World Cup for 2015. As an added treat, she looks good as either a brunette or a blonde.

Tina Maze


Cartwheeling Slovenian beauty whose career spans 17 years.

Slovenian professional skier Tina Maze had her beginnings as a specialist of the giant slalom. She later upped her game and entered in all of the five disciplines of alpine skiing.

She joined her first race at 15 years old and had had a career that would span a total of 17 years. She is one of six female professional skiers to have done all five disciplines in the World Cup.

Also, she is one of three to have done so in merely a single season. Fans admired her not only for her beauty but for her antics like doing a cartwheel handspring every time she wins. According to a Euro News report in October of last year, Maze announced that she would be retiring from the sport.

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