21 Things You Need To Remember When You're Driving On An Indian License Around The World

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Re: 21 Things You Need To Remember When You're Driving On An Indian License Around The World

Postby shahrukh » Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:54 pm

16. Spain

Fun facts

1. If you wear prescription glasses, by law, you must carry a spare pair in the vehicle.

2. The most comprehensive in Europe, the Spanish Highway code has 3 times as many rules as England.

An Indian Driver's License is only valid with an International Drivers Permit.


17. United Kingdom

Fun facts

1. Sounding your horn whilst stationary on the road or in a built up area between 11:30 pm and 7 am is illegal and can land you a fine

2. In 2013, there were 36,282,603 vehicles on UK roads - that's nearly 2 vehicles for every person

An Indian Driver's License is only valid for 12 months then a test.


18. Canada

Fun facts

1. Most of Canada allows you to legally turn right at a red light, however, this is illegal in Quebec.

2. Completed in 1971, the Trans-Canada Highway is one of the world's longest national highways, joining the 10 provinces of Canada.

An Indian Driver's License is only valid for 6 months then a test.


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