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12 Signs That Prove You Were Born To Be An Entrepreneur

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 11:36 am
by jeevan
Although one can argue that entrepreneurship can be taught, there are some unique traits that certain people are born with, which can also point to the entrepreneurship route from a very early age. If you’ve always felt like you had it in you but have never given entrepreneurship a shot thus far, maybe this post could serve as a ready reckoner of sorts for you. Watch out for the signs, and don’t forget us when you own your own multi-million dollar company - Ka-ching!


1. When an idea excites you, you tend to dream, breathe, and eat only that

Yes, some might call it obsessive, but you call it driven.

2. You are drawn to excitement like a moth to a flame

The thought of a staid 9-5 job has never appealed to you, even though it does promise a more stable lifestyle.
