11 Things Older Women Have To Listen While Dating Younger Men

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11 Things Older Women Have To Listen While Dating Younger Men

Postby jeevan » Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:04 pm

There are so many rules women are expected to follow when they are in a relationship. They should be slim. They should look pretty. But do they always have to be younger than their partner? Hell, no! Would you believe that in this age and time, people still frown upon older women who date younger men?

Here are 11 of the many things people say to older women for dating younger men.

1. He looks like your son.


Saying this is not only hurtful, but downright offensive. Two people’s relationship, who don’t find their age gap a hindrance to their love, should not be anyone else’s business. And it’s usually the woman who has to hear this. Luckily, many couples ignore these naysayers.

2. Your relationship has no future.


People will not shy away from harping on that a May-December relationship has no future, even when there is no evidence to support that. Women who date much younger men do end up getting married to their partners, having children, and leading fulfilling lives.

3. You will die before him.


Seriously, some people have no filter and they will try their best to warn women who are older of their ‘impending’ death. Being older doesn’t guarantee an earlier death - that said, no one should ever wish death upon anyone! ‘And guess what, you’re gonna die too.”

4. Why don’t you get married?


Then there those who think that the woman is zooming past her marriageable age. Also, the ticking biological clock is sounding louder to them by the second. The only solution left is to suggest marriage. Somehow, the age gap magically disappears when wedding bells ring.

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