9 Things Men Think Are Important To Women But Are Really Not

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9 Things Men Think Are Important To Women But Are Really Not

Postby shahrukh » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:54 am

They say women are difficult to understand and there have been a lot of debates about men really not knowing what women really want. Having pre-conceived notions about what women really want is only giving wrong ideas and adding to the myth of women waiting for the perfect boyfriend. So, dear men. Here are some points that'll help you understand your lady:

1. Planning big surprises.


No women really don't want that. They rather appreciate small gestures that you guys make to make us feel special. That stays with us long.

2. Having a perfect body.


No, we are not picky about bodies. If you are doing this for yourself, good.

3. Taking care of every damn thing.


There is absolutely nothing that women can't do. We don't want you to take charge every time. Supporting each other is all that counts.

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