11 Myths About Foods You Grew Up Believing

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Re: 11 Myths About Foods You Grew Up Believing

Postby jeevan » Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:20 pm

Myth 6: Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar - False

Brown sugar and white sugar contain approximately the same number of calories (373 calories per 100 grams of brown sugar compared with 396 calories in white sugar). Although honey and brown sugar contain more minerals and nutrients than white sugar, the difference in the amount of these substances is negligible and doesn’t change anything in terms of the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.


Myth 7: Fresh vegetables and fruits are better and healthier than frozen vegetables and fruit - False

Many believe that frozen or canned fruits and vegetables are much less nutritious than fresh fruits and vegetables, but in fact, this a myth. In reality, the fresh foods, which travel long distances from when they’re picked to when they’re placed on our shelves, lose their nutritional values and enzymes which are released during shipping and storage. In a study at the University of Illinois, frozen beans, for example, contained 2 times more vitamin C than fresh beans. That is because fruits and vegetables that are intended for preservation are frozen immediately after they are picked, thus better retaining their vitamin and mineral content.

Myth 8: It’s best to avoid desserts and cakes when dieting - False

Many diets prohibit and limit us from eating cakes, cookies and various desserts that contain carbohydrates. However, the results of a study conducted at Tel Aviv University indicate that consumption of carbohydrate desserts such as chocolate cake in the morning can help you lose weight and maintain it.


Myth 9: Margarine is healthier and less fattening than butter - Partly true

Butter and margarine contain almost the same number of calories, but unlike butter, margarine is made from vegetable oil and was created as a substitute free of cholesterol and saturated fat. Despite the good intentions that were behind the development of margarine, today we already know that it isn’t healthy at all; It contains trans-fat known for its negative effects on the heart and whole body, which means that this myth is difficult to refute or confirm completely because it is still less fattening than butter. The best choice is to give up both and use healthy oils such as olive or canola oil or just simply reduce their use. If you have no choice but to use margarine, you should choose a soft margarine without trans-fat.

Myth 10: It’s better to eat whole tomatoes than ketchup - False

In recent years, scientists have discovered that cooking increases the quantity and quality of essential components of the body in some of the fruits and vegetables we eat on a regular basis. One of the most prominent examples is ketchup, which after its preparation contains more lycopene (carotenoids and powerful antioxidants) than fresh tomatoes. Unlike other substances, such as vitamin C or vitamin B which lower in quantity when heated above a certain temperature, cooking actually increases the strength of lycopene, making it a more nutritious and more effective in protecting the body from various diseases. Another example can be seen in carrots; Studies have also shown that the amount of falcarinol, an anti-cancerous substance found in carrots, increases when cooked.


Myth 11: It is recommended to remove the skin off of chicken before eating it because it is fattening and not healthy at all - False

Many people say that one of the greatest pleasures of eating roasted chicken is eating the skin, but many avoid the pleasure because they are sure it is fattening and harmful to our health. If you think this, you should know that 300 grams of chicken breast with skin contains about 2.5 grams of saturated fat, compared to about 2.4 of chicken breast without skin, and only about 50 calories more. In addition, according to Amy Myrdell Miller, a director at the Culinary Institute at Greenstone, more than half of the fat in the skin is healthy for the heart and blood vessels. So, the next time you eat chicken, you may want to think twice before you rush to remove the skin.

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