Top 10 Best Photos From The National Geographic's 2018 Contest

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Top 10 Best Photos From The National Geographic's 2018 Contest

Postby jeevan » Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:25 pm

Since its founding all the way back in 1888, National Geographic has become synonymous with outstanding photography, and its annual photography contest attracts submissions from around the world. Here are some of the very best entries from this year's edition:

1. People's Choice, Wildlife: Baby Teeth, Yaron Schmid


A pride of lions was spotted on top of the rocky hills of the Serengeti. The photographer noticed that there were quite a few cubs in it, so he got his camera out. He managed to capture three cubs playing with and biting their mother’s tail – just like a domestic cat would do with a ball of yarn.

2. Night Statics, Hernando Alonso Rivera Cervantes


Colima is the most active volcano in Mexico, and this crystal-clear photo was captured on a cold winter’s night.

3. Breathing, Bence Mate


This brown bear was captured growling at an interloper, with his breath vanishing slowly in the very cold, but completely windless forest.

4. Halfway Home, Cameron Black


This elephant was making her way through crocodile-infested waters when the photographer spotted her. The waterline on her body shows just how deep she had to wade before reaching the other side of the river.

5. Best Friends, Heather Nicole


Two brown bear cubs were spotted taking a short break from playing by the photographer as their mother looked on. They were observed during a trip to Alaska’s Lake Clark National Park, and the photographer was lucky enough to see them running, playing and wrestling with each other for hours on end.

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