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Try The Perfect Holiday Drink According To Your Zodiac Sign

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:30 pm
by jeevan
The scene is set and the drinks are in. You've worked hard all year, and now is the time to drink your hard work's equivalent in potent drinks that'll knock all the bullshit and negativity straight out of your life, and give the new year a positive start. The best part is that your stars helped create these special cocktails for you. Your zodiac was the tipsy bartender who spilled all the good stuff in your glass. Think of it as catching up on all those horoscopes you missed reading this year. So drink up all you can, your stars demand so.

Here are 12 holiday season cocktails inspired by your zodiac sign:

1. Capricorn

Traits: Serious, disciplined, independent

Your cocktail: Water lily

The beauty of balance as demonstrated by this drink is reminiscent of your serious, disciplined nature. Meanwhile, the lemon juice underscores your independent side.


2. Aquarius

Traits: Uncompromising, imaginative

Your cocktail: A classic rum and coke


Your dual nature finds the perfect fit in a glass of classic rum and coke, two drinks that are so different yet come together so beautifully. Keep things chill with a couple of cubes of ice and you're set.