5 Awesomely Fit Ladies Share Their Fitness Secrets

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5 Awesomely Fit Ladies Share Their Fitness Secrets

Postby jeevan » Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:08 pm


Given our often stressful and not-so-healthy lifestyles, fitness and good health have become even more important currently. In a world where most people struggle to keep up with an exercise routine, we spoke to five fit (and very busy) women who shared their secrets of finding the time and keeping the balance. We are sure this will inspire you to get up and start running.


1. Sneha Mankani, Writer

Fitness regime:

Sneha alternates between yoga in the mornings and jogging in the evenings. She includes one hour of workout every day, five days a week. Though she is extremely particular about her fitness routine, she doesn't follow a strict diet. "I stick to home-cooked meals on most days, but I make sure I start my day with a light breakfast of coconut water and fruits, followed by a second breakfast."


"Once you start practicing a form of workout that you love and find your space, you'll never want to stop. The liberating feeling after a run is enough to motivate you to get back on the track the next day."


"It not only changes you physically but has an evident effect on your state of mind, productivity and just your general mood. So get on that yoga mat and release those happy hormones."

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