Meet The Snake Boy Of India

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Meet The Snake Boy Of India

Postby jeevan » Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:39 pm

Check out this teen showing off his incredibly flexible twisting skills Snake Boy Aditya Kumar Jangum’s hyper-flexibility has made him a celebrity in his hometown.

Aditya, 13, who lives near Ratnagiri in Maharashtra, ‪#‎India‬, has spent eight years honing his yoga and contortion skills.

His condition, hypermobility, has amazed his parents and friends, but Aditya wants to take his dream a step further and carve his name into the ‪#‎Guinness‬ Book of World Records.

Aditya credits his crazy twisting skills to his coach Mangesh Kopker, who has been training the kid for several years and wants to mentor the talented child into becoming a world famous contortionist.

His friends and family think he is a superstar and have nicknamed him “Snake Boy.”





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