9 Reasons You Should Head To Varanasi For Your Next Trip

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9 Reasons You Should Head To Varanasi For Your Next Trip

Postby vinay » Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:46 pm

Not very long back, when a bunch of friends were deciding on a destination for a trip, I suggested Varanasi. And back came taunts like, ‘are we taking a sanyaas?’, ‘are we saadhus?’ ‘are we old?’ Since, I had nobody on my side, convincing them was futile.

Generally, Varanasi is looked upon as a destination for parents and the old. But this misconception doesn’t allow us to explore the beauty and ancient history of the oldest city in India. A trip to Varanasi will not only rejuvenate you, but will also make you connect with your roots. Here’s why you should be packing for a trip here the next break you get!

1. Staring out over the Ganga is one of the most magnificent experiences imaginable


The best time to experience the Ganga in all its glory is at dawn or languidly over a lazy evening. If you’re too finicky about dipping in for a dive, you could at least sit by the banks and stare at its vastness.

2. The city has some of India's most divine food


Your mornings could see a combination of crispy kachoris and piping hot jalebis for breakfast. Litti chokha and sattu parathas for lunch will likely keep you full well up to dinner. That apart, a glass of lassi can be downed at any corner of the city’s streets, although you must try the drink at a shop named Blue Lassi in Vishwanath Galli. Side note, they have 75 unique flavours to choose from! Oh and needless to say, but do not leave the city without having the famous banarasi paan.

3. It is an absolute treat for photographers with every corner offering something unique to capture


If you love photography, then the streets of Varanasi have a lot to offer. From meditating saadhus to kids taking a dip in the Ganga, you are bound to find some stunning shots to capture.

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