8 Things You Will Relate To If You Run Away From Reading

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8 Things You Will Relate To If You Run Away From Reading

Postby vinay » Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:21 pm


You will not be found in the libraries on Sundays. It is not something you look forward to in a day, or a week, or even in a month. You have books. You just have them.

Reading is always a to-do which never really happens. People are always wondering about your habits (readers that is). Do you relate? Read this bit because this is about you. Definitely about you.

1. You have a poker face when people talk about books.


No. You don’t hate the conversation. You just don’t know what to say and what not to when some people suddenly talk about something you run away from. Poker face and nodding work. Always.

2. People have always suggested you a “type”.


“You know what? You must try Non-fiction” Or romantic or that author ? Well, Thanks friend! It really isn’t helping me till now. Fine by that.

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