7 Things You Will Relate To Because You Are A People Pleaser

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7 Things You Will Relate To Because You Are A People Pleaser

Postby neeraj » Thu Apr 27, 2017 4:22 pm


Do you constantly find yourself taking care of everyone else’s needs before your own?

Are you always feeling the need to keep people around you happy all the time?

Feeling bogged down by the fear of being misconstrued or disappointing anyone?

Finally, are you also trying to avoid conflict-oriented situations?

Well, you might be a people pleaser even before you realized it. So for all those who might want to know if they have traits of a people pleaser, here are some of them :

1. You take care of everyone else’s needs before your own.


You believe in taking care of others’ needs first while putting your own at last.

Wanting to take care of others is not a bad thing and if more people had a bit of what you have, the world would be a better place.

2. You are bankable.


Whether it is volunteering to cover up for a co-worker’s night shift when he/she is down and out or baby-sitting a friend’s niece or driving a friend to office when his/her car broke down, you are more than happy to do it.

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