Weird Things Real People Have Actually Done In Hotels

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Weird Things Real People Have Actually Done In Hotels

Postby shahrukh » Sat May 20, 2017 4:07 pm

Hotels serve as temporary accommodation to people who might be travelling. While you might think these are classy tourists and businessmen, some of them often forget that they do not have the complete privacy of their homes. Their weird habits don't go unnoticed and to all hotel staff, it's the talk of the town.

1. Raiding the maid’s trolley for amenities


Bathroom amenities like soaps, shampoos, ear buds etc. are supplied everyday by the housekeeper. However, some people still feel the need to grab these things from the trolley in the corridors when no one is looking.

2. They mistake the safe for a microwave


Many guests have complained about having their food locked inside the "microwave".

Here's the difference: A microwave has a screen on the door and a glass plate that rotates on the inside. A safe does not.

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