10 Immunity Building Foods You Should Add To Your Diet Today

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Re: 10 Immunity Building Foods You Should Add To Your Diet Today

Postby jeevan » Mon Sep 11, 2017 4:49 pm

10. Water


Water is required to regulate the body temperature and to keep you hydrated. During monsoons, if you are down with fever, cough or cold you need to increase the intake of water to keep the kidneys well flushed and eliminate the toxins from the body. It is advisable to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day. Water boiled with jeera (cumin), saunf (fennel ) and ajwain (carom seeds) can be a natural remedy for general discomforts experienced with digestion such as bloating, gassiness, burping etc., During monsoons, in particular, water contamination is common, so take care and only drink boiled, filtered or bottled water.

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