21 Weird Phobias You Won't Believe Exist

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Re: 21 Weird Phobias You Won't Believe Exist

Postby shahrukh » Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:22 am

8. Globophobia - Fear of balloons popping

People who have this phobia can fear balloons in general or the sound produced when a balloon is popped. I have no idea how on Earth people with this phobia will ever be able to arrange a birthday party for their kids!


9. Geniophobia - Fear of chins

This one sounds almost unreal. How can anyone fear a chin? How violent or deathly is a chin? People with this phobia cannot even interact or look at people whose chins they, well, don't like!


10. Pogonophobia - Fear of beards

One thing is for sure, people with this fear will have a hard time finding girlfriends! Or if girls have it, they'll have a hard time finding a guy! People who have this fear can have full blown panic attacks seeing people with beards.


11. Ergophobia - Fear of work

Now this is a very convenient phobia to have, and it directly means you won't have to work! People with this phobia have an irrational fear of the work environment or fear finding employment.


12. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - Fear of long words

Quite an ironic name for a phobia of long words! It's almost cruel. Ideally, this phobia wouldn't matter much to people who don't have to deal with long words in their daily routine. But if you aspire to be a spelling bee champ, god save you!


13. Sanguivoriphobia - Fear of vampires

At least people who suffer from this won't have to sit through the torture of the Twilight movie series! Such people have a fear of vampires and blood eaters. In fact, the word literally translates to 'fear of blood eaters'. Of course, people who have this fear take vampires to be real.


14. Anthophobia - Fear of flowers

And I used to think flowers are pretty and a refreshing sight! But for some people with this phobia, flowers are their worst fears come alive! Sufferers of this phobia have a fear of flowers or even of their petals or stems, even though they know that flowers pose no danger to them whatsoever!


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