40 Things About Air Travel That Only Flight Attendants Know

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40 Things About Air Travel That Only Flight Attendants Know

Postby vinay » Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:00 pm

1. The Truth About Mobile Devices

No, the plane isn’t going to go down if you accidentally leave your phone on. However, the likelihood is you won’t be the only one who forgot (or intentionally dismissed the crew’s instructions). There are actually two reasons passengers are urged to stow their portable electronic devices.



Although cellular signals are unlikely to seriously interrupt vital equipment communication, they can interfere with air traffic control frequencies, which is particularly annoying during take-off and landing. Also, electronic gadgets can become flying projectiles if they aren’t secured. Seriously, who wants a flying laptop hitting them in the head?

2. What are the Secrets Behind Upgrades?

Upgrades are the coveted jackpot prize of the air travel world. If you aren’t a frequent flier, first of all, it helps if you’re not a rude slob. It will definitely work in your favor if you’re very nice, attractive, extremely tall, pregnant, well dressed or a friend of the flight crew.



According to an anonymous flight attendant, there’s a little-known possibility to get an upgrade to business or first class even after the cabin doors close. It doesn’t occur very often, however, because the crew has to file a report on the move. It also depends on meal and seating availability.

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