10 Important Financial Etiquette Rules We Must Follow

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10 Important Financial Etiquette Rules We Must Follow

Postby jeevan » Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:02 am

Is there any topic on the planet that causes more tension between individuals than money? It has been claimed that money is the root of all evil, and that certainly seems to be the case when yet another friend or family member falls out with you over something financially related... So, to prevent money issues from causing further harm in your life, here are ten money etiquette tips to keep in mind:


1. Consider others’ financial situations when planning.

If you know that your friend is saving money for a vacation or paying off some debt, you shouldn't insist on going somewhere expensive. It would be a better idea to ask them where they feel like going to prevent them outright refusing due to financial constraints.

2. Consider everyone's budget if you want to chip in.

If you're collecting money to buy someone a gift, don’t assume that everyone can afford to pay the same amount. Such collections may come as a nasty shock to some people. That's why it's best to figure out a sum which would be good for everyone, or simply to ask everyone to contribute however much they feel comfortable with.


3. Don’t comment on someone’s financial decisions.

It’s very rude to discuss what others spend their hard-earned money on, and it might just end up altering their attitude toward you. Even if you’re very good friends, it still may be possible that you’re not entirely aware of the details of their financial situation, so criticizing them for their choices is never a good idea.

4. Make sure that restaurant bills are split fairly.

When it’s time to split the bill, ensure there are no people at the table who didn’t order a single thing. A person could not have eaten as much or could have drank a single beer instead of a couple of pricey cocktails. It’s often a lot better when everybody pays only for what they are actually willing to pay for. This shouldn't be too tricky, seeing how everyone has a calculator built into their smartphone nowadays.


5. If you use a friend's service, pay them as if they were any other professional.

Your relationship with your friend should not automatically entitle you to a discount. Regardless of your friendship, a person who spends time and resources to help you out should certainly be compensated for their work.

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