11 Amazing Dishes You Can Make From Leftover Food

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11 Amazing Dishes You Can Make From Leftover Food

Postby jeevan » Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:47 pm

Thinking of throwing away that leftover dal from yesterday's dinner? Don't. Because we're about to tell you how to rustle up some fine dishes from the food you're about to waste.

1. Masala Idli


Make small pieces of idli and keep it aside. If they are small, then avoid making pieces. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan and add the leftover idli stir fry them until they are lightly crisp. Transfer to a bowl and keep aside. In 2 teaspoons of oil in the same pan, add some onions, capsicum, green chillies and saute them on medium heat until tender. Add chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper, turmeric powder, chilli powder and stir well. Saute until the tomatoes turn soft. Add the mixture in the fried idli bowl and also sprinkle chopped coriander and mint leaves. Stir fry on high heat until well combined just for about a minute. Turn off the heat and serve with ketchup.

2. Chapati Upma


Make small pieces of the leftover chapati. Chop onions, green chilli and capsicums finely. In a pan, add oil and add mustard seeds and jeera. Later, add the green chilli and the chopped onion and saute for few minutes. Add the peanuts and sesame seeds. Roast on a low flame till it turns golden brown. Add the capsicum and saute for few minutes. Add the torn chapatis to this and mix well. Saute on a low flame and switch off the flame. Mix well and garnish with coriander.

3. Fried Rice


All you have to do is literally fry the leftover rice in your favourite vegetable mixture. You can even add eggs. However, here's an easy-peasy recipe. Heat oil in a pan, add vegetables like celery, spring onion whites and sauté over a high flame for 3 to 4 minutes till the vegetables soften. Add the leftover rice, soya sauce, spring onion greens and salt. Mix well and sauté for 2 minutes. Your Chinese fried rice is ready at home!

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