12 Things To Do Today That Your Future Will Thank You

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12 Things To Do Today That Your Future Will Thank You

Postby vinay » Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:58 pm

Who you are in the future depends on what you do today. Each moment that you live today, each activity that you do today, contributes to your development as an individual. And it's all making you the person you’ll be X years from now.

But what are these things? Are they habits? Are they traits you need to develop? Look no further - here are 12 things you can do today that your future self will thank you for

1. Agree to invest in yourself


We spend so much time investing in relationships, professional projects, and commitments and this is a good thing. But we cannot forget that investment in ourselves is as important and probably the most fruitful. So, invest in yourself – with time and money. Give yourself the occasional spa pampering you crave, or skip the boring seminar with office colleagues once in a while and indulge in a book-reading session with a bubble bath. Love yourself and do little things that make just you happy.

2. Find an exercise that doubles as therapy


Find an exercise that you can use as an escape from reality — one to calm you down after a stressful day or refocus yourself after an overwhelming situation. Trust me, it is better than any therapist out there. It will really help keeping your mental peace intact, and your body will thank you in the process.

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