15 Bars Around India You Should Visit At Least Once In Your Life

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Re: 15 Bars Around India You Should Visit At Least Once In Your Life

Postby shahrukh » Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:22 pm

9. Aer, Mumbai


Until recently, Aer was the highest bar in Mumbai before Asilo knocked it out of that place. But nevertheless, this bar is nothing short of spectacular. The open-air rooftop overlooks the expanse of the city making you feel like a spectator sitting high above all the action. The pulsing purple glow from the lights, along with the heady combination of strong cocktails and the view of the sea are enough to give you a night to remember.

10. The Sahib Room and Kipling Bar, Mumbai


The Sahib Room and Kipling Bar has done a fantastic job of recreating the era of gentlemen’s clubs during the British Raj. You’ll step into a time where it will seem like a hearty conversation with Rudyard Kipling is next on the agenda while you drench your throat with the amazing and amusing cocktail creations inspired by his work.

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