A Virtual Visit To The City Of Prague

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Re: A Virtual Visit To The City Of Prague

Postby vinay » Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:50 pm

One of the most notable landmarks in Prague, the Astronomical Clock is a marvel of medieval craftsmanship. The clock was installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest one still working. With its intricate details and splendid craftsmanship, the Astronomical Clock can keep you busy for hours!


On October 2010, the Clock's 600th anniversary was celebrated with a light show on the face of the clock tower. The video shows the tower being built, torn down, rebuilt, and peeled away to show its internal mechanisms and the famous animated figures, as well as various events in its history.

If you'd like to know where the Czech Republic is located on the world-map, have a look below.


This is just a short list of Prague's amazing sites and sights, it's truly a remarkable city.

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