11 Important Spices That Are A Must To Have In Every Indian Kitchen

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Re: 11 Important Spices That Are A Must To Have In Every Indian Kitchen

Postby jeevan » Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:49 pm

9. Cloves (Lavang)


These flower-like pods are also commonly used in Ayurvedic medicines. Your grandmother has probably told you to chew a clove if you have a toothache, to relieve the pain and soothe the infection. Cloves also treat respiratory infections, boost digestion and reduce arthritis-related inflammation.

10. Cinnamon (Dalchini)


This fragrant spice is actually the bark of the Cinnamomum tree! Loaded with antioxidants, it reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and may even keep cognitive decline at bay. For those of you who are trying to lose weight, cinnamon can help torch that fat, especially around your middle!

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