10 Common Dreams And Their Meanings As Explained By Psychologists

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Re: 10 Common Dreams And Their Meanings As Explained By Psychologists

Postby jeevan » Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:07 am

6. A Weird (or Absent) Outfit.


Speaking of cliches, how about that dream when you showed up to an important business meeting in just your underwear, or not even that? Psychologist Ian Wallace points out that it is important to notice how you felt in the dream. Did you feel proud of yourself or embarrassed?
If you didn’t experience any shame, it means that you feel like you’re underappreciated in some aspect of your life, be it work, family or relationships. If, however, you did feel embarrassment, it means that you’re afraid that someone will learn about your secrets or weaknesses.

In any case, contemplate your feeling and try to understand what caused these negative emotions, as this type of dream signifies suppressed negative emotions.

7. Malfunctioning or Broken Equipment.


In your dream, you just bought a new phone and the moment you touched it, it broke? Patricia Garfield believes symbolize the loss of emotional connection and worries about a relationship. But it doesn’t have to be a phone, a broken car, a broken tap that fills up the room with water or similar are also signs of distrust and fear in a relationship.

8. Running Late.


Michael R. Olsen believes that the fear of missing out is the culprit behind these concerning dreams, so it only makes sense that your mind will let you know that something is wrong. You may be too overwhelmed by work and chores and need some free time in your schedule.

9. Pregnancy.


Giving birth and being pregnant should be understood metaphorically, as David Bedrick points out. Are you a creative person or someone who has a lot of plans for the future and can’t wait to realize them? Pregnancy is the manifestation of the new ideas and plans in your dreams. This also explains why not only women dream that they’re pregnant. Apparently, men, especially men who work in creative fields, get these dreams as well.

10. Falling Down.

The last one is a tough one, as it can mean 2 quite different things. Some people experience a falling sensation as they are falling asleep. This may also be accompanied by twitching muscles, especially in the extremities.

If you experience this often, there is nothing to fear, it’s just your body’s way of switching from a state of alertness to sleep. After a long and stressful day, your body finally starts to calm down, your heart rate and blood pressure decrease.


The problem is that your nervous system didn’t get the message that you’re about to fall asleep just yet, and it perceives this change as a sign of danger. It sends out a stress signal throughout your muscles, which makes them spasm and wakes you up suddenly, and that’s all there is to it.
A very different thing happens when you’re in the midst of a dream, and suddenly, you slip and fall, or you feel like you’re falling into an abyss. Psychologist Ian Wallace believes that this kind of dream symbolizes the fear of losing control.

If you have experienced some unexpected dramatic changes or difficulties in your life, this is your mind’s way of telling you to dial things down a notch. Consider what could be causing the stress: is it your health, work, money, relationships, or maybe something else? Try to correct this problem.

As you can see, dreams can be a key to self-understanding. Next time you have one of these dreams, don’t neglect them and try to think what might have caused them.

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