25 Most Amazing Creatures From The Ocean

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Re: 25 Most Amazing Creatures From The Ocean

Postby shahrukh » Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:09 pm

15. Summan Grouper


Another unique-looking grouper fish, most common to the East Indian Ocean, and another heavy favorite in the pet trade. It likes to stick to rocky areas and is also found near coral reefs.

16. Teira Batfish


This stylish silver swimmer is yet another popular character you'll find in the pet trade and see in numerous home aquariums. Their natural habitats, however, are off the coasts of Australia and spread across the Western Indo-Pacific ocean.


17. Lawnmower Blenny


This gecko of the ocean is found everywhere from the East African coast of the Indian Ocean to Somoa, across the Red Sea and the Great Barrier Reef. They generally tend to enjoy their little, hidden holes and stick to reef flats and seaward reefs or shallow lagoons embedded with either rubble, coral or sand.

18. Longhorn Cowfish


This brightly colored type of Boxfish seems to be perpetually pouting. Another inhabitant of the Indo-Pacific ocean, this strange looking friend of ours stays close to bays and ports and prefers muddy or sandy habitats.

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