Weird Things Real People Have Actually Done In Hotels

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Re: Weird Things Real People Have Actually Done In Hotels

Postby shahrukh » Sat May 20, 2017 4:08 pm

7. Passing out in the hallway


People have problems and people just want to get drunk once in a while. It’s totally okay if they want to do so in the privacy of their rooms. However, there are some people who will just find a way to make it into the public areas like the hallways and lobby, thereby creating a ruckus before passing out, leaving the staff to carry them back to their room.

A Slovakian man got drunk in his room and started beating his wife. She came out to the lobby asking for help and he followed her there in drunken stupor, completely naked! That’s when I realised I was better off not working in the hotel industry.

8. Trying to commit suicide


This is a serious issue for society at large, but many people find hotel rooms the perfect spot to take their lives. Some hotels have had to remove balconies and seal windows in order to prevent guests from leaping off while others have counsellors and psychiatrists on standby in case a guest threatens to take his/her life.

Many housekeeping staff in the US have been traumatised by walking in on guests who never woke up.

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