13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

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Re: 13 Common Mistakes Men Make While Wearing Accessories To Work

Postby vinay » Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:03 pm

10. That token Bengali guy with photochromic glasses.


Do not mean to generalise here when I say this, but there are way too many Bengalis who like photochromic glasses. Now since I'm a Bong myself, let me first clarify that this is not a style statement. Bongs are all about practicality and pragmatism, and while chasing these two, they end up looking like fools. If you have one pair of glasses that becomes a pair of sunglasses in the sun, then how is it bad? Correct. But the problem here is that it ends up becoming neither. They're just the 'I-haven't-made-up-my-mind-yet' glasses. You know that guy who never gets laid? It's because of these photochromic glasses.

11. That sales douche who loves to wear pointy shiny shoes.


Or in fact that guy in accounts who wears sports shoes with formals like this gentleman.

C'mon you tell me.

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