Weight Lifting Is A Healthy Exercise For These 16 Reasons

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Re: Weight Lifting Is A Healthy Exercise For These 16 Reasons

Postby jeevan » Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:43 pm

15. You'll be more disciplined.


If you are truly committed to having a stronger, healthier body, lifting will teach you how to dedicate yourself to different routines.

16. You'll look good on the beach.


This one is a given. Lifting weights is the quickest way to get the beach body that you've always wanted. There's nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself, right?

(via Active)

If that didn't make you want to hit the gym, I don't think anything will. But if good posture, better brain function, and a newfound sense of discipline sound appealing to you, get yourself into the habit of lifting weights every week. It may be exhausting at first, but after a while, it'll be exhilarating.

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