World's Most Beautiful Small Villages Worth Visiting

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World's Most Beautiful Small Villages Worth Visiting

Postby jeevan » Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:41 pm

Reine, located in the Lofoten archipelago of Norway, is a small fishing village where you'll find stunning scenery, beaches, and incredible views of the Northern Lights. Activities include hiking, kayaking, and of course, fishing.


The Rainbow Village in Taiwan is the playful creation of Huang Yung-Fu, or "Grandpa Rainbow", as he has become known. Fu began painting designs across the walls and floors of the village when it came under threat of demolition. Today, it's a popular tourist attraction.


Nestled between the edge of the Hallstätter See lake and the towering Dachstein mountains is the tiny Austrian village of Hallstatt. Take a ferry ride across the lake to enjoy the village’s sheer beauty, learn about its rich mining history, or walk the Echerntal trail for impeccable views.


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